and search engine rankings.
Here is a full summary of every step you need to take in order to get your website to the top of the search engines. (Read to the bottom for a recommended Keyword tool I use)
Create a site with valuable content, products or services. Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words in your page content and spread them evenly throughout the document. Research and use the right keywords/phrases to attract your target customers. Use your keywords in the right fields and references within your web page. Like Title, META tags, Headers, etc.
Keep your site design simple so that your customers can navigate easily between web pages, find what they want and buy products and services.Submit your web pages i.e. every web page and not just the home page, to the most popular search engines and directory services. Hire someone to do so, if required. Be sure this is a manual submission. Do not engage an automated submission service.
Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing. Monitor your competitors and the top ranked websites to see what they are doing right in the way of design, navigation, content, keywords, etc.
Use reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from. Analyze your visitor location and their incoming sources whether search engines or links from other sites and the keywords they used to find you.Make your customer visit easy and give them plenty of ways to remember you in the form of newsletters, free reports, reduction coupons etc.
Demonstrate your industry and product or service expertise by writing and submitting articles for your website or for article banks so you are perceived as an expert in your field.When selling products online, use simple payment and shipment methods to make your customer's experience fast and easy.
When not sure, hire professionals. Though it may seem costly, but it is a lot less expensive than spending your money on a website which no one visits.Don't look at your website as a static brochure. Treat it as a dynamic, ever-changing sales tool and location, just like your real store to which your customers with the same seriousness.
I use Keyword Elite 2.0 for all my Google optimizations, I HIGHLY suggest checking out this priceless yet powerful software tool. Every marketer I know uses it.
If you repeat your keywords with every other word on every line, then your site will probably be rejected as an artificial site or spam site.
Keyword density is always expressed as a percentage of the total word content on a given web page.
Suppose you have 100 words on your webpage (not including HMTL code used for writing the web page), and you use a certain keyword for five times in the content. The keyword density on that page is got by simply dividing the total number of keywords, by the total number of words that appear on your web page. So here it is 5 divided by 100 = .05. Because keyword density is a percentage of the total word count on the page, multiply the above by 100, that is 0.05 x 100 = 5%
The accepted standard for a keyword density is between 3% and 5%, to get recognized by the search engines and you should never exceed it.
Remember, that this rule applies to every page on your site. It also applies to not just to one keyword but also a set of keywords that relates to a different product or service. The keyword density should always be between 3% and 5%.
Simple steps to check the density: Copy and paste the content from an individual web page into a word-processing software program like Word or Word Perfect. Go to the ‘Edit' menu and click ‘Select All'. Now go to the ‘Tools' menu and select ‘Word Count'. Write down the total number of words in the page. Now select the ‘Find' function on the ‘Edit' menu. Go to the ‘Replace' tab and type in the keyword you want to find. ‘Replace' that word with the same word, so you don't change the text. When you complete the replace function, the system will provide a count of the words you replaced. That gives the number of times you have used the keyword in that page.
Using the total word count for the page and the total number of keywords you can now calculate the keyword density.
If the above sounds too time consuming, I recommend a keyword tool used by every Internet marketer I know, including myself. Its called Keyword Elite 2.0, and it will help you easily optimize your website with the best keywords and much more. Check it out.
What is Social Media Marketing?
Social media marketing means promoting your website, business through popular social media channels. Social media marketing is a very powerful marketing strategy and it not only brings quality links but also helpful in brand marketing and getting massive traffic to a website. Reason why I am posting information about “Power of social media marketing and SEO” is that while I was analyzing web stats for few of clients’ website for whom we have recently finished social bookmarking campaigns. Below is my observation:
- Number of visitors from social bookmarking websites were equal to number of visitors from search engines
- Websites like Stumbleupon, Digg and delicious were among top referrals.
- Social bookmarks created get indexed by search engines very quickly.
- Social bookmarks pages appear in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) in a short span of time whereas a website may take anywhere from three to six months to get in top ranks
- With time social bookmark pages get good PR value. Thus you get a link from authority website and content rich page with good PR value.
Importance of Social Media Marketing In SEO
Social media marketing is important for every type of business. If your website is selling products, services or even if it’s targeting adsense/ad publishing revenue social media marketing is an effective way for making you website profitable with time. Below are some benefits of social media marketing for your website:
- One way links: All of us know links are the key for getting top search rankings. It’s difficult fro a new website to gain links through traditional link exchange methods. Quality links from authority websites can be achieved though social bookmarking. If your article is posted at home page of Digg or delicious, then you can get hundreds of one way links within no time.
- Targeted traffic: Social media website get millions of visitors daily, who browse through there favorite categories to read articles on them. If your articles/bookmarks sound interesting then user starts following your bookmarks/website for more interesting information.v
Directory Submissions will increase your site visibility on the major search engines, and in return that will increase your website traffic. It also builds backlinks to your website, and the more backlinks that you have generally the higher up you will be ranked in google for keywords relevant to your website. Directory submissions play a key role in link building.
Manual Directory Submission Outsourcing
All SEO's and Search Engine Optimization Companies can contact us directly for outsourcing their directory submissions and directory listings work to us. Since we are already doing work for many SEO Companies and know how such work can be handled efficiently for maximum client satisfaction. We even sign non disclosure agreements with our outsourcing partners. For any queries you can mail us at
Why Bettersense for Directory Submission Service.?
Manual Directory Submission is cost effective way of building one way links from thematic category of high quality website directories which also improve page rank, internet visibility, branding and drive relevant traffic which convert into sale.
We offer manual directory submission service by our experts' directory submitter having a vast experience of directory editing, building links and SEO. All submissions are hand submitted to free, no reciprocal, quality Internet web directories.
Hand submitting to directories as per there submission guidelines is a time consuming and tedious work. Our Professional manual directory submitter is best choice to get listed in free search engine friendly directories at reasonable cost.
The goal of our directory submission services is to have the pages of your website included in the directory database with minimal editing by directory editors. Achieving this goal requires significant directory research and analysis which our directory editors and reviewers have as they are category editors of various directories like Zeal (LookSmart non-commercial), DMOZ (The Open Directory Project), JoeAnt, IndiaBook and others.
Additional Feature of Our Directory Submission Process
Various Link Anchor Text:- We will provide you these directory listing with various link anchor text related to your web site. Using only one anchor text is considered as being unnatural linkage manipulation. We develop keyword-rich titles and page descriptions for each of your listing.
Quick Listing:- Our submission experts manually do submission in the most relevant categories that apply to submitted content
. We know exactly what the editors are looking for and how to get your site listed quickly.
Relevant Directory :- There are thousands of directories out there but they all don't qualify for our directory submission program. We identify good quality relevant directories for you in which your site will be listed and these will have redeeming value for your website.
In addition to link popularity benefits, some of the other benefits of directory listings are :-
· It's a fast and affordable way to get one-way links
· You attract buyers in your industry
· They generate traffic for your website
· Good place to find promotional partners
Please contact us at for all directory submission packages details and pricing along with your requirements.
There are so many websites on the World Wide Web, so many subjects and so many businesses for every single subject that it is getting harder and harder to attract people to yours.
So unless your website contains a Google Whack (and if that means nothing to you can we suggest you check out Dave Gorman’s book of the same name) then sad as it may seem, your site isn’t unique.
As a test of that theory try typing in two random words. Anything you like – the sillier and more unconnected the better. Try ‘kleptomaniacal zebras’, for example. When we Googled that we returned 80 results. 80! All loosely connected to thieving, stripy members of the horse family. Since your site is unlikely to relate to zebras of any description let’s try something a little more likely to feature on a website. Try searching for any product on the Web. Let’s try, for example, ‘black shoes’. When we checked there were 6,790,000 sites listed with that phrase.
If shoes are your business and you’re expecting to be found simply on the basis of having an expensive, professional website, then forget it. So are 6,789,999 others. That’s not a needle in a haystack – that’s a grain of sand on a beach.
There is no point in having an all singing all dancing website, with all the right colours and moving bits, if no one ever finds it on the internet. And let's say that some people do find your website – if the only text they find there is so dull that they fall asleep - just after logging off your website, then you’ve lost the potential customers who do, by some miracle, find your site.
This is where Professional Copywriting and SEO comes in. Working hand in hand these 2 industries will now produce amazing results for your website.
The SEO brings in the visitors and customers that are looking for your products and services, and then the new professionally written content on your website keeps them there and turns them from people about to leave into potential customers.
Studies have shown that customers will buy from a website that is fresh and unique, enjoyably readable and relevant to what they are after. The same studies have shown that these customers will not only return to buy again in the future (as long as you give them the right customer service now you have them there), but are more likely to recommend your website to their friends and colleagues.
Even Google is telling people to provide fresh unique text that changes on a regular basis.
Boring website + boring text = 0 customers. That has to be the easiest calculation you have ever done.
So now you know what to do, how do you go about it.
Search Engine Optimisation and Copywriting does not have to be expensive, however there are a lot of bad websites, with bad copy, out there. Make sure you use SEO and copywriting experts who know their onions. Go for the cheaper alternative and you’ll find your lovingly crafted website being optimised by a bunch of guys who’ve only ever had a passing acquaintance with English and haven’t got the first clue what you’re selling, who you are, and what your target audience is.
After all, it has to be worth investing in, to bring visitors and customers to your website instead of your competitors - doesn't it? Either that or do nothing, and watch your website and business fold in front of your very eyes.
Search Engine Optimisation & Copywriting : Turn your website into the best member of staff you ever had.
While choosing an article submission services, you must be careful from hiring the wrong one. First of all, take some time to get to know the company that you are going to take into service. You have the right to importune for a directory of the sites where your articles will be submitted, and in return, they have to provide you with what you are requesting. This process is very important since there are a lot of article submission services in current internet marketplace which offers you a very good deal like the guarantee of handing over your articles to 1000+ article directories that do not really exist.
When contracting with an article service provider for submissions of your articles, make certain that this service company only commend your articles to the sites that Google indexed because most people make use of Google to rummage around or browse for something that they need to find or seek a response from their questions over the internet. To be sure if your article submission service provider does post articles that are index by Google, ask about their activities with other clients then you can check it out subsequently. In addition, hiring a reliable and responsible provider will not only save you time and money but you can also expect a nice result for your work. Before dealing always clear the article submission service provider that your articles should pass the copyscape test.
Vastly observed web sites do not recognize articles that are put forward by means of software.
Their requirements for acceptance of articles are:
Articles should be unique must bus copyscape test
It must be firstly written and never been submitted or issued at any other websites.
The articles should be progressively submitted manually one by one and not robotically through the use of software.
SEO is an Internet marketing strategy
, which involves editing the contents and HTML coding. This serves in two ways - firstly, it increases the significance of specific keywords and secondly, removes all hindrances faced by search engines while indexing your web site. In other words, this technique makes your Internet site search engine friendly.
Search Engine Optimization also involves website designing, content management systems, shopping carts and menus too in a way that attract Internet browsers through search engines. In the present situation, SEO plays a very important role in the success of your online business. This has resulted in many aggressive and unethical tactics. However, search engine operators are aware of this and take preventive steps diligently. Too much aggressiveness can even result in your website getting banned from search operations.
Driving traffic into a website can be done by Internet advertisement campaigns too. But the advantage of SEO over such campaigns is that such ads may cost you money, time and energy again and again. For SEO operations, you need to employ the experts once and the results would continue to come automatically.
Usual optimization tactics are mostly tuned to cater to dominant search engines in order to bring maximum results. For example, Google, Yahoo etc are the worldwide leader in Internet search field. So most SEO techniques are directed to meet the requirements of these search engines only. It does not make sense to optimize your site in tune with an unknown search engine for the simple reason that users would use them only sparingly and the better known search engines would not pick up your links.
So it is very essential that web designers understand the vast opportunities of search engine optimization and incorporate such design parameters so as to make the site highly visible. The success of your online endeavor depends on it.
The three key processes in delivering search results to you are:
- Crawling: Does Google know about your site? Can we find it?
- Indexing: Can Google index your site?
- Serving: Does the site have good and useful content that is relevant to the user's search?
Google use a process where automated software
known as Googlebot skewers the internet for new and recently updated paged to be added to their index.
Google use a vast set of computers to fetch (or “crawl”) billions of webpage’s. The program which performs this amazing job is known as Googlebot. Other terms it’s also known as are robot, bot or spider. Googlebot uses an algorithmic process: computer programs determine which sites to crawls, how often, and how many pages they fetch from each site.
When Googlebot begins to the crawl the internet it starts with a list of URL’s from previous sessions, and augmented with Sitemap data provided by webmasters. When Googlebot lands on a page it takes the links from that page and adds them to its list of pages to crawl. New websites or updates to new ones are noted and updated on the Google index.
The good thing to note here is that you cannot pay Google to crawl a site more frequently and is not part of their revenue generating services.
Googlebot processes each of the pages it crawls in order to compile a massive index of all the words it sees and their location on each page. In addition, Google processes information included in key content tags and attributes, such as Title tags and ALT attributes. Googlebot can process many, but not all, content types. For example, we cannot process the content of some rich media files, dynamic pages or iframes.
Serving results
When you query a search on Google, it takes your query and matches to relevant pages within their index and then displays the results in the order Google feels most benefits your query. Relevancy is determined by over 200 factors, one of which is Pagerank. Pagerank is based on the importance if the incoming Links from other sites. Each link from another site your own contributes to how well your page will rank. But don’t think you can go out and get 1000’s of incoming links by automatically submitting to sites. Not links are equal in Googles eyes. Google is working hard to ensure that you the user are provided the best result for your search by identifying spam links and other practices that have a negative impact on search results. What this means in simple terms, if you have a site which provides information on pet care and products, then your page rank will increase when getting incoming links from websites with similar interests and content.
Before Google can index and rank your site well in search results, you need to ensure that Googlebot can crawl and index your site properly. Broken and dead links will have a negative impact on how your site ranks. It’s important to ensure that you use Google webamstertools to not only ensure your site can be crawled but to also ensure you comply with Googles guidelines and improve your sites ranking.
Caching your Site
One of the major advantaged I find with Google caching the content of your website is that if you ever mistakenly save over your index.html page on either your main website or one of it's subfolders your can retrieve that data without to much hassle through Googles Webmaster Tools.
1. Log into your Webmaster Tools Account.
2. Click on Statistics on the left hand side panel.
3. Click on Index Stats.
4. Then on
cache: The current cache of your site
From here it will show you a screen shot of the last time Googlebot crawled your webpage.
What you want to do from here is save that page.
1. Go to 'File' at the top right hand corner of your browser.
2. Go down to 'Save As' and save it as index.html or index1 whatever you choose.
3. Use your FTP program to transfer it over to your Hosting Folder.
4. Using your Website Design Tool modify it from what Google has Cached then save back over your index.html file.
By this point you should your original Website which was lost should now be restored. At this point you may want to make a back up of it.

Some Facts about SEO
- 84.8% of Internet users utilize search engines to find web sites.*GVU Users Survey
- 71% of all Internet
surfers reach web sites through Search Engines.*Nielson Media - Research has proven that 93% of global consumers use search engines to find and access websites. *Forrester Research
- 85% of qualified Internet traffic is driven through search engines, however 75% of search engines users never scroll past the 4th page of results *Georgia Institute of Technology: Seventh WWW User Survey
- 55% of all Internet sales result from buyers finding the sellers website through search engines.
- Search Engine Marketing was ranked as the #1 website promotional method used by e-Commerce sites. *ActivMedia Research
- 73% of global chief executives (CEOs, CIO's, etc.), say that they prefer to find out about new products online. *
In particular, submitting to search engines is only part of the challenge of getting good search engine positioning. It's also important to prepare a web site through "search engine optimization". Search engine optimization means ensuring that your web pages are accessible to search engines and focused in ways that help improve the chances they will be found.

Here are some techniques that will help
- What is table based website (old, primitive way to build using tables that is straightforward, but should not be used for a professional website), and Table less (build using css and div tags)?
- Professional designs should be table less where contents is independent of the design, should be browser independent, work with compatible devices, use style sheet and css to make style uniform as well as give a professional look throughout all web pages,
- Fast load, because design is loaded only once, etc.
- website liquidity
- Validation: Display work with different browsers,
- Very important for SEO,
- Graphics optimization - with special tools graphics looks great and loads quickly
- Custom website template is cheap, not for a serious business, for instance many companies use the same template, and it is not as effective because content needs to fit into a template.
- On the other hand custom design fits the purpose and therefore professional websites base on custom design rather than cheap templates
- what is static website (html pages)
- what is dynamic website (asp, php that are running on a server and generate pages)
- when to use static, dynamic website, development time, cost, etc. please objectively describe and recommended when to chose which type
- Japanese encoding is difficult to handle and characters doesn’t display in all browsers, configurations correctly. It is very important to set every element correctly and needs expert knowledge and sometimes it is difficult to implement these elements in dynamic websites
That is straightforward, but what should be used for a professional website?
A good designer to start with, if you are building a professional website you want to ensure that you achieve the highest quality possible. You will need to consider SEO as well, so ensure that you have a designer that can either handle your SEO needs or point you in the right direction. The tableless CSS websites are great looking websites and the CSS is used to transform conventional forms into tableless solutions. Forms that do not have tables are often lighter and semantically precise.
Professional designs are often affordable, so if you are building a professional website using CSS language be sure to find a company who has a good reputation in web design. Try to avoid the amateur designers since you may well lose more money than you expect. One of the latest designs is the dynamic websites which amazing, most of the sites are crawled by Google.
Search engine marketing (SEM) is the act of marketing a website via search engines, whether by improving rank in organic or natural listings, paid or sponsored listings or a combination of both.
A comprehensive search engine marketing campaign includes the following functions:
- Search engine optimization
- Search engine and directory submission management
- Paid inclusion and trusted feed programs
- Pay-for-placement management (includes pay-per-click)
- Link popularity / reputation development
- ROI and performance monitoring and reporting
- Organic listings are a trusted source of information, believed to be unbiased and indexed solely by the automated methods of an objective third-party
- Natural search traffic provides a steady stream of traffic over time
- Costs are frontloaded; once pages are optimized for organic search, low ongoing maintenance fees make it cost-efficient for marketers on a limited budget
- Organic results can be unfocused in their content and occasionally misconstrued through automation
- There’s little control over which terms your pages will be linked with or how well they get ranked
- Relatively low control over your listing copy - automated technology decides what’s displayed
- Organic listings have to be optimized well in advance of the intended pay-off and require great insight to production efforts down the road
- Engine requirements can be at odds with site design and architecture; it is often difficult to present information that is both accessible to search spiders and carefully designed to influence consumer behavior
- Paid traffic comes with a measure of predictability, allowing marketers to forecast both volume and cost-efficiency for relevant metrics
- The free-market bidding system offers full access to a target audience and the opportunity to scale campaigns and pursue them aggressively, creating synergies with sales promotions
- Paid traffic can provide a boost to site volume when most needed
- Creative is completely customizable, to further the user’s search intent and strategically position a brand within that search engine dialogue
- Paid listings are manually generated, and constructed with more awareness to the environment and a consumer’s true intent
- Sponsored ads are known to drive more sales than ordinary search links, converting at higher rates
- Paid listings can get very expensive across competitive keywords, where market forces can quickly inflate cost-per-clicks (CPC)
- A certain portion of the customer base is wary of paid listings.
Firstly, let me explain: there are two kinds of subdomains:
1. Second Tier subdomains: These are linked to, and link directly to, the main domain. 2. Orphan Subdomains: These have no links to or from the main domain.
With all of our hosting packages we offer unlimited subdomains to our clients. Yet - almost nobody uses them. I will try to point out using the advantages of both types in this article, giving one example of how to use each.
Second Tier Subdomains
You have a website. You spend alot of time building it, refining it, tweaking it into oblivion to get the search engine results you are looking for, yet you don't get visitors. We have all heard by now the advantages of having a blog for promoting your website. When I suggest this to my clients, the number one answer I get is "Then I have to pay for another hosting package..." No you don't. You put it on a subdomain. Example: will be your main domain will be where your blog resides.
Once you have your blog, adding a link to it on your menu takes a couple of seconds, and voila - your blog is up and running. This is the part where you feverishly start posting articles about your niche market, your product, or your service, and link to your website from each article. Blogs are amazing: Search Engines love them, and they generally get good PR very quickly. This means, by default, that if your blog outranks your site in terms of PR, every link to your main site from your blog is a QUALITY INBOUND LINK... You can further up the PR on your main site by deeplinking (linking to other pages on your site, not only the landing/home page) to your site.
Orphan Subdomains
After pointing out the advantage of a Second Tier subdomain
, you might be caught wondering what the use of an Orphan Subdomain is then.
Here's a little known fact: If a subdomain gets banned by a Search Engine, it does not affect the main domain. I'll repeat this: IT DOES NOT AFFECT THE MAIN DOMAIN. Important though: This rule ONLY applies to Orphan Subdomains, meaning there must be no link to, or from the main domain. So how do I use it then? Well, with this knowledge we can use the situation to our advantage. You can use a Orphan Subdomain to put up affiliate 'cashcows' or 'moneymaking' websites. Build a site, keyword spam it, and make a quick killing before taking it down and starting a new one. Whatever you do on this 'site' or subdomain will not affect your main domain, so go mad. You can also use it as a link farm, in terms of linking to other websites you might own. No one has to view the site, so it can be an ugly, confusing mess. As long as your keywords and on page SEO is fine, you can generate high quality inbound links to your other sites, pushing them in the SERPS. Putting up a blog with generated, keyword rich content is a good example of how to do this. Should the site/blog get banned for some reason while you are experimenting - no harm, no fowl.
in the search engines for target keywords related to the page content. Examples of off-page optimization include linking, and placing keywords within link anchor text. Methods of obtaining links can also be considered off-page optimization. These include: Press Releases According to SEO Philipines consultants, SEO press releases can be considered as one of the fastest way for keywords to gain visibility on search engines. There are some instances that because of press releases, one can take over multiple spots on the first page of Google or Yahoo! using the optimized keywords. There are plenty of benefits of SEO press releases if one can do them correctly. Such benefits could include:
- Backlinks from credible news sites which increases the ranking of your website or blog for your keywords
- Visibility in search engines
- Ranking in Google News and Yahoo News for your keywords
- Tens of thousands of headline impressions across hundreds of blogs, websites, and news sites that run RSS headlines
- Potential media coverage
- Can help your new website escape from the “Google Sandbox” quickly
A person looking for a solution to their problems submits a request to a search engine like Google. Let's say they type in "pet products." The Google search engine will deliver search results in one of at least two ways. The vast majority of listings are displayed at no cost to the web site owner. But at the very top of the result's page is a "Sponsored Link" ad and at the far right are also paid for ads.
You might be surprised how easy it is. To get started on Google AdWords, you apply online and give them your $5 and you're on your way. You can have an ad running in less than an hour.
Please understand that the Google Cash or Google AdWords system does take some effort to make it work. There is complete online set up instructions on Google's web site as well. Also note that this same process works on Yahoo as well. Another source you make want to check out is Perry Marshall's The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords. When you go to Perry's site you can sign up for a free home study course.

The Aim of SEO Marketing:
SEO marketing has mainly one aim and that is to bring traffic to a certain site. Traffic is seen as prospective buyers and clients of the site owner. Therefore, traffic is a much needed "commodity". Many Internet users visit sites that they have been redirected to or sites that have been presented by search engine results, and they get hooked on these sites. In other words, some users do not specifically seek out that particular site but they might have been led to it by it being in the top ten high ranking sites presented after a search engine query.
Now you see how important getting high ranking is during searches. Sites that rank in the top ten are most likely visited by more users than those that are ranked lower. Many users do not bother to look for more sites if they find what they are looking for in the first few sites presented in a search. This is why many sites employ search engine optimization methods to encourage higher ranking and to achieve successful SEO marketing.
When you Click the ADD URL TO MSN link , You will be led to the Submit Page of MSN. Enter your url and click submit url.
Once you enter your URL and click you are taken to the confirmation page. As you have submitted the url ensure that you do the following, It will increase the possibility of your site getting listed.
Using your hotmail user name and password sign into your account at
Webmasters link provided at the bottom of your right hand side on the confirmation page if you do not have a hotmail account you can use your email account with yahoo or google or may sign up for a new hotmail account.
Once you log into your account you will be on add your site page.
Add your site by entering the url in the box and clicking on add a site button. Once you add your site you will be asked to verify the site .
A site which is verified is more likely to be included than a non verified site.
Upon clicking the add a site button you come across a page where you are asked to fill in the following details:
Website add:
Sitemap add:
Verification: ( 2 options provided) Choose the Look for a Meta tag I’ll add to the home page file.
Contact information:
After filling these details press submit button.
You are then taken to confirmation page giving you details that your site is added,copy the authentication code provided in the box below it looks something like this
and add it to your homepage click here to see the illustration on how it should look
After this you are now ready to Authenticate press the o.k button and you are done.
- Research of Clients Niche/Industry. What better way to market your businesses services and products than to delve into your company industry and targeted audience.
- Research keyword-key phrase effectiveness by reviewing clients website including content, development, structure, as well as research comparison of clients competitors sites.
- From information gathered from the above, compile effective keywords and phrases to target your websites industry nice and services. This is not a guessing game! Research, Research, Research! Using SEO industry standard keyword software, such as web positions, overture keyword suggestion tool and more, you can test the overall impact of each key phrase used which will generate the highest results on the natural listings of search engines. Once specific niche keywords are established, hand coding begins. We have put some basic SEO and Website tools here our site for your use at our Las Vegas SEO website. Visit las vegas seo tools for use of some basic tools to aid in your SEO project.
If this situation sounds familiar to you then you have probably thought about giving up and thowing the whole thing away. This is NOT what you should do and this is not how your website is going to rank high in the search engines.
There is one critical first step that you must follow when creating any website. This crucial first step involves picking the best keywords for your on page optimization and the only way you can decide which keywords will get you the highest rankings for your website is by doing some research.
Your first point of call must be at one or all of the following online keyword research tools:
The article assumes that you already have a Joomla website setup and are familiar with how to install and configure extensions in Joomla.
sh404SEF is a must have component for any Joomla site, it is essential to create Search Engine Friendly urls which are very important for anyone wanting to get into Google,Yahoo or any of the other similar search engines.
Installation of this component is pretty straight forward, go to the install/uninstall page and install the sh404SEF package.Joomla native SEO Configuration
Before configuring sh404SEF, the native SEO settings of Joomla need to be turned on. You can do this in the Global Configurations page on the top right corner.If you are using a .htaccess file, you can turn on the mod-rewrite option as well. The easiest way to use the .htaccess file is to rename the htaccess.txt file that is provided with the default Joomla installation.
Once you have the SEO settings turned on you can test your urls and see if they look better. Although the SEO feature in Joomla makes the urls pretty, it still lacks a long ways as to how the urls should look like for search engines to pick them up.
That’s where the url re-writing components come into picture. One such component is the sh404sef by siliana. It’s the component I use for all my clients and my sites as well and its worked pretty good so far. And the best part is it free!! It has a lot of configuration settings to customize how the urls come out and did I mention its free!
reaching and increasing qualified traffic to your website. "Pay Per Click" advertisement has
proven to be one of the major aspects of online success in todays market.
Search Engine Marketing Benefits:
* Only subject or industry relevant Ads are shown when a search query has been made.
* You the advertiser only pay if someone clicks on your ad
* Sponsored or Pay Per Click
Advertisement guarantees your search engine presence
* Sponsored marketing can be measured precisely
* With Pay Per Click you are paying for qualified traffic and not just page impressions
* Marketing or Advertising using pay per click is both cost effective and has a high level
of transparency
* Search engine marketing is structured around a performance model
* Pay per click can increase Brand or Corporate awareness
* Sponsored campaigns are created to fit your industry sector
* Sponsored links and Pay per click is an accurate form of "Lead Generation"
* Correct use of high quality content copy used for landing pages increases your ROI
Search engine optimisation and search engine
marketing lead to the same thing. Whereby SEO or
on-page optimisation is based upon long term natural search engine success, SEM using sponsored
Ads, banner advertisement and PPC helps to create immediate recognisable results.
Benefits of combining SEO & SEM:
* Recieving qualified traffic
* Increasing the CTR
* Increasing the conversion rate of the online presence
* Natural long term search positions
* Site relevancy within the search engines
To be successful within the search engines and generally within the net a combination of both
aspects need to be applied to improve and allow your site to be found within the net.
The use of sponsored Ads and or pay per click
can and will help with not only one campaign but
with all campaigns that follow. Filtering and analysing results that come back from the
advertising can and will help with choosing industry relevant keywords / key phrases.
The creation of appropriate user friendly landing pages can also be evaluated, if they produce
the effect that they are supposed to. If not then this can be changed and analysed on a regular
on-going basis.
Internet Marketing Consultancy Services
In general project begin starts with the client phoning or emailing us reference a talk about
on-page SEO or internet marketing. With this initial contact Creative Xperience will arrange a
time for one of our SEM consultants to contact and carry out a full consultation with the client.
Before work can begin with any client, specific information about services need to be collected
and evaluated. These points need to be assessed so that Creative Xperience can have an insight
into your business and business needs, the information is simple and easy to follow.
With the information provided a full conultancy service can be applied. This service could
combine written information about problems within the website build, back-end coding problems
etc. We will advise on industry relevant keywords and keyphrases, carry out a competitor
analysis on your direct competition and not those found in the top results within the search
engines (depending on your industrial niche). All of these aspects are important, Creative
Xperience are direct speakers and will tell you what the problems are with your site and not
beat around the bush.
Web Consultancy Today
The internet is ever growing. Companies that would like a piece of the cake are creating online
sites with the hope of an income through traffic. The majority of smaller companies will fail
due to inexperience and lack of online marketing knowledge. The major of companies carry out
online marketing with one purpose "traffic" to create a substanial ROI.
The majority of companies that are successful within the internet, these companies may well be
your competition, carry out extensive marketing. Be it in the form of PPC, banner Ads,
sponsored links or on-page search engine optimisation.
To stay ahead with your search engine
marketing strategy you need to be informed about the latest trends and how to implement them
successfuly within your own site.
If you have a "webmaster" or an "internet agency" that looks after your website, then please
let us know, as we can then when all information is brought together speak directly to those
who work within the site. the other advantage of having your own webmaster is that he/she has
knowledge about your industry, this can help us gather precise and accurate information,
helping us to increase the factors that will help your online business strategy.
Search engine optimization is the process of improving a website in order to acheive higher search engine placement. SEO is not a complicated process, it involves mostly common sense. This article explaines the 4 simple steps that will, if followed correctly greatly improve your search engine rankings and help you gain an inital foothold in the major search engines search results.
1 Compile a keyword list: Target the most frequently used keywords on your page. Begin with around 10 keywords. Also use combinations of keywords for example: If your site sells video games and game systems, a good keyword phrase would be: video games and game systems or video game systems. Optimizing the word video games would be pointless because the competition would be so huge most websites will not be found in the search results, taking into account the age of the domain and the number of backlinks that point to a site, which will also dramatically affect search engine rankings. Most searches made by internet users contain keyword phrases instead of just one keyword.
2 Edit your title, meta description tag and meta keyword tag using the keywords from your newly compiled keyword list. The title should contain no more than 10 or 12 words, the description meta tag should contain no more than 150 characters. and the keyword meta tag should contain no more than 200 characters. Insert the keywords into the title starting with your three main keywords, keep in mind the number of words used, try to stay under 10 or 12. Next, edit your meta description tag using the same keywords, location of each word is crucial. Try to keep the title and meta description as similar as possible, not completly dublicated but as close as possible. It might sound a little strange but it works. This will greatly improve your search engine rankings. Stop words are also a factor than can affect rankings. Words such as: the, and, is, in, are, etc. are words that should not be used if at all possible. Removal of stop words is a guarantee of higher search engine placement. The location of your keywords in the title and meta tags will also affect your placement. Also insert all keywords into your webpage moderatly.
3 Use 4 to 6 anchor text links for each keyword, depending on the size of the webpage. Referring back to video games as an example, when editing your page use anchor text such as video games, game systems and so on as links as close to the beginning and end of the page as possible. Keep in mind search engines read a page header first, then starting on the top left reading down the left side, after reaching the bottom of the page the content is read from the center of the page to the bottom. Then the right side of the page is read ending with the footer.
4 Keyword placement: It is essential that all of your keywords are at the beginning and the end of your webpage. Keywords need to be placed in the first 50 words of a webpage. Keywords also need to be placed into the last 50 words on the page. Start with the header of your webpage, use keywords there first. Then place keywords on the left side of your page. Try not to repeat keywords, and do not stuff images with keywords. One keyword per image. Whenever possible use anchor text instead of images.To place keywords at the end of the page, use keywords in the footer and on the right side of the page. Remember how search engines read a page, header first, then top left reading down, center text reading down, top right reading down and footer last. If these 4 steps are followed exactly you can guarantee yourself excellent search engine placement even #1 on Google.
There are other factors which can improve your search engine rankings such as backlinks. When it comes to linking, reciprocal or one way links both are excellent ways to increase your link popularity. One way links however seem to be the way to go because there is no linkback required by you. Meaning no link pages to set up. Directory and article submissions are an excellent way to build quality one way links. You do not need thousands of useless links to gain high rankings on the search engines. Only a handfull of high quality, relevant links are needed to give you excellent search engine rankings.
Alexa is an Amazon owned company that is famous for its public traffic ranking service via its website. Website promotion guides often make a big deal about how to improve your Alexa ranking because a top position is often associated with high profits. As a new webmaster, you must understand a few very important points about Alexa's service. This article will explain what the data collected by Alexa mean and then describe why you should care or not.
There are three numbers that Alexa reports, reach, page views and overall rank. Reach refers to the percentage of all web users that visited your site. Alexa reports this number as "reach per million users." For example if Alexa reports a reach of one, it means that on average out of one million web surfers one visits your site. Page views simply measures the average number of pages a surfer examines when at your website. Those sites with a lot of content and targeted visitors tend to generate a larger number of page views. The overall Alexa rank is a combination of the reach and page views numbers such that the larger both of them are the lower the site's rank will be; for Alexa, a smaller rank indicates a more important website. Alexa reports these numbers for each day, one week and three month averages and the overall change over a three month period. So, how does Alexa gather these data?
On a daily basis, Alexa collects statistics about the number of visitors and page views for every website on the Internet. Actually, it does not have data for all the sites. You see, data collection happens via web surfers that have downloaded and installed the Alexa toolbar for their Internet Explorer browser. When one of these users visits and explores a site, the toolbar sends this information to Alexa's servers. What this means for webmasters is that only those sites visited by users that have decided to install the toolbar will actually have data collected for them. In addition, since only a rather small subset of all possible Web surfers actually uses the toolbar, the ranking is a statistical average that is not necessarily a true indication of the quality and number of a site's readers. In fact, the number is really inaccurate for sites with a small number of visitors and Alexa admits that this is true for those sites not in the top 100,000.
To make matters worse, the toolbar is only available for Internet Explorer. Of course, IE is the browser used by the majority of Internet users with data showing that it is used by about 83% of them ( This is not a problem unless your audience is more likely to be in the other 17% of surfers, i.e., those that prefer to use Firefox, Safari, Opera or another alternative browser. For example, is a technology news site with an audience that is known to be very anti-Microsoft; Slashdot's motto is "News for nerds. Stuff that matters." One expects that most of its users would use any browser other than IE and in fact it was recently posted that an estimated 65% of Slashdot's readers use a browser other than IE. As of this writing (July 12, 2006), Slashdot's ranking was 176 with a reach of 5450 per million surfers. Slashdot is known for something called the "Slashdot effect" that is when a story on the front page links to a site, it receives so many visitors that the servers often are not able to handle the sudden increase in traffic. In other words, I would expect that Alexa's rank is actually an underestimate of Slashdot's true rank.
From a statistics point of view, Alexa's rank cannot be thought of as an unbiased statistical measure. The sample of people used by Alexa for collecting data is not a randomly selected set but rather it is biased towards users of Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer as well as those who are willing to install the toolbar and submit to Alexa information about their browsing behavior. If your audience is similar to Slashdot's then don't expect accurate results. Anticipate the same if your audience includes people who are pro-privacy and would never install a toolbar that calls home making their browsing behavior known to a large corporation.
So, if you really want accuracy in terms of your site's number of users and page views then you are better off using analytics software, for example Google Analytics, rather than Alexa. However, many advertisers use Alexa's ranking as a neutral third party estimate of a site's popularity; they consult Alexa in order to determine how much advertising space is worth on your site. This is the reason why many webmasters display their Alexa rank on the front page. If you happen to be on the upper end of Alexa's ranking then you should be able to benefit from it; if you are not then you probably shouldn't lose too much sleep over it. Focus on adding fresh content to your site; this way you will be able to drive more traffic to your site via the major search engines and also keep your visitors coming back.
However, these marketing activities will deliver small and sporadic volumes of traffic. The single biggest thing you can do to drive traffic is search engine marketing. Here is why: it is estimated that 80% of traffic to most websites comes from search engines. There are roughly 500 million searches performed everyday and 88% of that traffic comes from the top 4-5 search engines, Google, Yahoo, Ask and MSN. Of these, Google is by far the largest. Approximately 90% of people searching do not go past the third page of results and few go beyond the first page.
Therefore, if you want to drive traffic to your site it is imperative that you get onto the first three pages of Google and the other top search engines. Surprisingly, the majority of small businesses have not figured this out yet and for those who have, the majority are asking the question, How can I get my site to appear on the first page of Google search results?
Different Options
There are two main methods of appearing on the first page of search results.
Paid for results or Pay Per click (PPC)
This is where you pay to appear in the sponsored links section of the results page. In Google, this is at the top of the page and the right hand side. You decide which search keywords e.g. London restaurant, you would like to appear in. You appear in the search results and you pay for every user who clicks through to your site. The cost will vary by keyword and can range from 10p to several pounds or dollars per click, depending on how many other companies are bidding for that keyword.
Natural results achieved through SEO
Natural results are when you appear in the main list of results. You do not pay to appear or when a user clicks on your link. However, to appear on the first three pages of results, you need to implement a number of design and content changes to your website, which are termed Search Engine Optimisation or SEO.
Which is best?
Both have their merits, but natural results are by far the most preferable because once you have invested in SEO, you do not have to pay for the traffic that is generated.
PPC is a great solution if you:
Have just launched your website and you need immediate presence on the first page of result or if you have not yet successfully optimised your site to appear on the first page. Remember, there are thousands of websites all looking to appear on the first page of search results for certain keywords.
Spiders and Links: The Basics of How Search Engines Work
Without getting bogged down in the technical details of how search engines work, here are a few basics that you should be aware of.
Search engines want to ensure that the most relevant sites are displayed to customers who are searching for keywords e.g. London restaurants.
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